Lee County Chapter - Kettle Bell Ringing

Lee County Chapter - Kettle Bell Ringing
Volunteers Needed for Salvation Army Kettle Bell Ringing
Thursday, December 14
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
one-hour shifts
Kroger - Crosstown
960 W Main Street
Tupelo, MS
Please join us for a one-hour shift of [cow]bell-ringing around the Salvation Army Red Kettle in front of Kroger Crosstown. Bring your cowbell and wear your Maroon and White!
To volunteer, please click on the link to register through Signup Genius.
Sign up to Ring The Bell! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F094DA8A722AAFF2-46395315-leecounty
For more information contact Lee County Chapter Volunteer, Bill Waters at bwaters@bbconcrete.com or 662-231-4421