Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter - Pregame Social with Engineering on the Coast Dawgs
Altered Reality Brewing | 969 West Howard, Avenue, Biloxi, MS

Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter - Pregame Social with Engineering on the Coast Dawgs
Join your Coast family for another casual Bulldog gathering with the Engineering on the Coast program prior to MSU Night at the Biloxi Shuckers!
Friday, July 19
4:45 - 6:15 p.m.
Altered Reality Brewing
969 West Howard Ave
Biloxi, MS
Food and beverages are Dutch treat.
For more information about the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter, send an email to coastdawgs@gmail.com or visit the Facebook event page.
Your Mississippi Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter is striving to offer opportunities to keep our Mississippi State family connected for a strong Bulldog presence in Hancock, Harrison, Jackson and Stone counties. Please join us as your time allows. We welcome activity suggestions - we want to know what you want to do as a Coast Dawgs family! coastdawgs@gmail.com