Lee County Chapter - Volunteer Day for Time for Tupelo

Lee County Chapter - Volunteer Day for Time for Tupelo
Please join fellow Bulldogs in taking care of our community during the Time for Tupelo city beautification day.
Saturday, March 22
8 a.m. - Volunteer Pancake Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - Supply pick up and Pep Rally
9 - 11 a.m. (approx) Meet at Rob Leake/Joyner Park, 1107 Joyner Ave.
We will meet at Fairpark event headquarters, (in front of City Hall), at 8 a.m. to eat, check-in, get supplies, and pick up your FREE t-shirt. Stay for a brief volunteer pep rally before meeting at our project location at Rob Leake/Joyner Park for approximately two hours. Lunch and celebration will be at Fairpark. This is a great event for the whole family to volunteer.
Afterwards, we will have a social gathering/meeting to discuss future events and activities.
If you plan to participate with our Lee County Chapter, please call or text Chase McPherson by Wednesday, March 12 at 901-461-8957. Please share your t-shirt size with him.
Your Lee County Alumni Chapter is striving to offer opportunities to keep our Mississippi State family connected for a strong Bulldog presence in Lee County and Northeast Mississippi. Please join us as your time allows. We welcome activity suggestions - we want to know what you want to do as a Bulldog family! leecountybulldogs@gmail.com.