George-Greene County Chapter
Serving alumni, friends and prospective students in George-Greene County, Mississippi.
Do not solicit for any reason. Contact information is provided for chapter purposes only.
Chapter Volunteers
Volunteer Leadership Team
President – Ashley McArthur ‘98
Melinda Howell
Ronnie Miller
Roger Summerour
Louis Valentine
2025 Plans
February – Scholarship Dinner
August 7 – Send-off Party to welcome new MSU Students
Chapter Membership Information
If you’re an alumnus or friend of MSU who lives in George or Greene County (based on your mailing address with the Alumni Association), you’re automatically a member of this chapter. An annual donation to Mississippi State made through the MSU Foundation makes you an active member of the MSU Alumni Association and the George-Greene Chapter.
Supporting the Chapter and Scholarship Fund
Financial Support of individuals and businesses is also important to the success of the George-Greene Chapter. There are two ways to support through the MSU Foundation. Help us grow these funds by making a tax-deductible donation, in any amount.
Chapter Scholarship
The George-Greene Chapter has a three scholarship funds through the MSU Foundation to be given to entering freshmen and transfer students from either county.
Support the George-Greene County Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fund .
Gifts may also be designated to:
George F. McNeill Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Thomas R. Shaw Memorial Scholarship
Advancement Fund
The George-Greene Chapter Advancement Fund supports the chapter's goals and initiatives. Gifts to this fund help pay for activities and events hosted by the chapter, which ultimately supports the chapter scholarship.
Support the George-Greene County Chapter Advancement Fund..
To use a check, make checks payable to MSU Foundation and send to:
MSU Foundation, P.O. Box 6149, Mississippi State, MS 39762
You can also call (662) 325-7000.
Donations designated to one of our chapter funds help students from our area become Bulldogs and graduate from Mississippi State.
Student Recruiting and Scholarship
MSU Office of Admissions & Scholarships Central Mississippi Staff
Allie Houston, Admissions Counselor for South Mississippi or 228-669-0640.
Lauren Porter, Transfer Recruitment Coordinator or 601-906-1378.
If you have any questions about student recruiting in George-Greene County, please contact any of the counselors. Our Admissions Counselors visit area high schools and community colleges, participate in college and career fairs, talk to students and parents and work full time to recruit students to become Mississippi State Bulldogs!
Alumni and friends are encouraged to assist with student recruiting. If you would like to join the volunteer Alumni Recruitment Network, please contact the Alumni Association to sign up with the Alumni Recruitment Network.
George-Greene County Chapter Scholarship
Applications for scholarships are available through the student application for admission after receiving admittance to MSU. Students who complete the general scholarship information after admittance to Mississippi State will automatically be considered if the criteria are met.
The University Scholarship Committee administers the scholarship program at Mississippi State University. Financial need may be used as consideration in selection. Any scholarships will be awarded on a year-to-year basis.
Awards will be based on funds available. Funds will not be given directly to the recipients; rather, the university business office will credit the recipients' tuition and fees expenses each semester.