Tyler, Texas (Hideaway)
for all counties in the east Texas area

New MSU students, your local Mississippi State alumni and friends want to welcome you to the Bulldog family and “send you off” to your new home away from home!
Join us for a party in your honor hosted by the
East Texas Alumni Chapter.
Sunday, July 21
4:30 p.m.
Hideaway Lake Lodge
302 Hideaway Lane Central
Hideaway, TX
Dinner and desserts will be served. Dress is casual.
Please RSVP by Thursday, July 18 if you will attend (including family members).
Contact Ann Hossley at annhoss@aol.com or 903-312-1723 (cell) or contact Terry Boyd tboydetxdawg@gmail.com or 903-245-5111 (cell).
Free for new students, current students, prospective students & their families.
Alumni & friends please make a $10 contribution/person (maximum $25/family) Please bring a side dish to share with the group (to serve at least10).
Location: Hideaway is located on Interstate 20, 4 miles west of the Hwy 69 intersection at mile marker 552.
Alumni & Friends - we could use your help! Please come join us and help welcome our new students and their parents.
If you are unable to attend but want to donate to help us cover cowbells for our new students, please make your gift to our East Chapter Alumni Chapter Advancement Fund through the MSU Foundation.
For a schedule of this year’s send-off parties and locations,
visit www.alumni.msstate.edu/sendoff.