Holmes County Chapter
Serving alumni, friends and prospective student from Holmes County, Mississippi.
Upcoming Events
Chapter Volunteers
Chapter Contact - Neil Marshall email
Your Holmes MSU Alumni Chapter Needs You!
Your Holmes County Chapter of the Mississippi State University Alumni Association needs some “True Maroon” volunteers to help build a strong Bulldog presence in Holmes County.
Would you like to serve as an officer, committee chair or board member?
Do you have ideas to share, want to learn more about the chapter, or volunteer?
So, what exactly is a chapter’s role with the MSU Alumni Association?
Basically, a chapter becomes "Mississippi State" in its community. The interest you stimulate, the service you provide, and the information you collect and disseminate helps the university, the community and the chapter members. Not only are you keeping your local alumni and Bulldog friends connected through communication, activities and events, you are recruiting prospective students.
The MSU Alumni Association is working to establish an organized and enthusiastic connection for our alumni, friends, and students. If you are interested in learning how you can help spread the Maroon and White, share your ideas, learn more about the chapter, volunteer for service, or just show your support, please contact
Janet Downey, Coordinator of Chapter and Volunteer Programs, MSU Alumni Association
jdowney@alumni.msstate.edu or 662.325.8515
How can you help?
- Volunteers for chapter leadership positions – president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, student recruiting chair, membership chair, social chair, and board members.
- Possible activities for 2021 – student recruiting events, 2021 Send-off Party, regular board meetings, community service activity, annual chapter meeting, family outings. The possibilities are endless.
- Chapter Goals/Initiatives – scholarship fund, community service project and recruiting students in your area
Read more about becoming a chapter volunteer.
Chapter Membership Information
If you’re an alumnus or friend of MSU who lives in Holmes County Chapter area (based on your mailing address with the Alumni Association), you’re automatically a member of this chapter.
An annual donation, of any amount, to Mississippi State made through the MSU Foundation makes you an active member of the MSU Alumni Association and the Holmes County Chapter.
Utilize secure online giving by visiting the MSU Foundation giving website.
To use a check, make checks payable to MSU Foundation and send to:
MSU Foundation, P.O. Box 6149, Mississippi State, MS 39762
You can also call (662) 325-7000.
Student Recruiting in Holmes County - MSU Office of Admissions & Scholarships
Molly Cannon, Admissions Counselor for Mississippi Delta & Rankin County
601.624.0622 • mlc669@msstate.edu
Katy Tucker, Transfer Counselor for North Mississippi
662-418-5503 • k.tucker@msstate.edu
If you have any questions about student recruiting in Holmes County, please contact Molly Cannon or Katy Tucker. Our Admissions Counselors visit area high schools, participate in college and career fairs, talk to students and parents and work full time to recruit students to become Mississippi State Bulldogs!
Alumni and friends are encouraged to assist with student recruiting. If you would like to join the volunteer Alumni Recruitment Network, please contact the Alumni Association to sign up with the Alumni Recruitment Network.