Washington, D.C. Chapter - Mississippi on the Mall
Henry Bacon Ball Field, Henry Bacon Drive NW (between Constitution Ave. NW & Lincoln Memorial Cir NE)

Washington, D.C. Chapter - Mississippi on the Mall
Mississippi Society of Washington, D.C. presents the 33rd Mississippi on the Mall
Put on your Maroon and White and join your fellow Mississippians and your DC Bulldog Family for a great afternoon of food and merriment on the Mall.
Saturday, June 8
2:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET
Henry Bacon Ball Field
Henry Bacon Drive NW
(between Constitution Ave. NW & Lincoln Memorial Cir NE)
Early Bird Tickets - May 6-19
$45 for MS Society Member | $65 for non-member
Regular Tickets - May 20 - June 1
$55 for Society Members | $75 for Non-Members
Last Minute Tickets - June 1 - 8
$85 for all
Tickets must be purchased in advance.
Money cannot be accepted on the National Mall.
Price includes Simmons Mississippi-raised catfish, tea, cold brews and Cathead sparkling, Live Music, Children's Games & Fun, and so much more!
For more information and to purchase tickets, go to www.mississippisocietyofdc.com/mississippionthemall.
For information about the Washington, D.C. Chapter, please contact Anna May at mississippistatedcalumni@gmail.com.