Lowndes County Chapter August Meeting

Lowndes County Chapter August Meeting
Join Lowndes County volunteers and MSU Alumni Association Staff for information and discussion about chapter involvement in Lowndes County! Be sure to invite a fellow Bulldog to get engaged with their local Bulldog family!
Tuesday, August 27
6:00 p.m.
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 4149 3409
Passcode: 448800
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,89141493409#,,,,*448800# US
+13017158592,,89141493409#,,,,*448800# US (Washington DC)
For More Information: Visit the Facebook Event Page or contact
Chapter President Adrienne Morris at adriennemorris1999@gmail.com or text 662.312.2611
Fall Community Service
Help our neighbors in need by donating much-needed supplies to the Little Food Pantries in Columbus. Any non-perishable foods, personal or household supplies are appreciated.