Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter - Coast Dawgs Young Alumni Social

Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter - Coast Dawgs Young Alumni Social


Boho Biloxi: Social House 871 Howard Avenue Biloxi, MS


Jensen Jacquet

MS Gulf Coast Chapter

Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter - Coast Dawgs Young Alumni Social

Join us as we kick off another year of young alum events here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Thursday, March 20
7 p.m.

Boho Biloxi Social House
871 Howard Avenue
Biloxi, MS

Food and beverages are Dutch treat.

For more information, contact Jensen Jacquet at or visit the Facebook Event Page.

Your Mississippi Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter is striving to offer opportunities to keep our Mississippi State family connected for a strong Bulldog presence in Hancock, Harrison, Jackson and Stone counties. Please join us as your time allows.

*Young Alums are MSU alumni and friends 35 years of age and younger.

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