Jacksonville, Florida
for all counties in the greater Jacksonville area

New MSU students, your local Mississippi State alumni and friends want to welcome you to the Bulldog family and “send you off” to your new home away from home!
Join us for a party in your honor hosted by the
Northeast Florida Alumni Chapter.
Sunday, August 4
3:00 p.m. ET
Home of Scott (’85 & ’91) & Sandy (’86) Maynard
59 Oak Shadow Place
St. Johns, FL
Desserts and snacks will be served. Dress is casual.
Please RSVP by Thursday, August 1 if you will join us.
Contact Sandy Maynard at stmayn86@gmail.com or 662-418-4832.
For a schedule of this year’s send-off parties and locations,
visit www.alumni.msstate.edu/sendoff.