Panola-Tallahatchie Chapter
Serving alumni, friends and prospective students in Panola County and Tallahatchie County, Mississippi.
Upcoming Events
2022 Chapter Officers
President - Judd Gentry '93 email
Vice President - Dr. Lisa Newcomb '84
Secretary/Treasurer - Jimbo Burkhalter '77
Committee Chairpersons
Community Service - Clay Seale '02
Scholarship - Thomas Toney '65 email
Student Recruiting - Richard Russo '00
If you would like to volunteer with the chapter as an officer, committee chair or board member, please contact Judd.
*Please do not solicit for any reason. Contact info is provided only for chapter related purposes.
Chapter Membership Information
During the October 2021 meeting of the MSU National Board of Directors, the Panola County Chapter and Tallahatchie County Chapter were officially combined to establish the Panola-Tallahatchie Chapter of the Mississippi State University Alumni Association.
If you’re an alumnus or friend of MSU who lives in Panola or Tallahatchie County (based on your mailing address with the Alumni Association), you’re automatically a member of this chapter. An annual donation to Mississippi State made through the MSU Foundation makes you an active member of the MSU Alumni Association and the Panola-Tallahatchie Chapter.
Utilize secure online giving by visiting the MSU Foundation giving website.
To use a check, make checks payable to MSU Foundation and send to:
MSU Foundation, P.O. Box 6149, Mississippi State, MS 39762
You can also call (662) 325-7000.
Student Recruiting and Scholarship
Student Recruiting in Panola County and Tallahatchie County - MSU Office of Admissions & Scholarships
Rob Butler, Admissions Counselor for North Mississippi, 662.418.9015 •
Katy Tucker, Transfer Student Counselor for North Mississippi, 662-418-5503 •
If you have any questions about student recruiting in Panola and Tallahatchie County, please contact Rob Butler or Katy Tucker. Our Admissions Counselors visit area high schools and community colleges, participate in college and career fairs, talk to students and parents and work full time to recruit students to become Mississippi State Bulldogs!
Alumni and friends are encouraged to assist with student recruiting. If you would like to join the volunteer Alumni Recruitment Network, please contact the Alumni Association to sign up with the Alumni Recruitment Network.
Panola-Tallahatchie Chapter Scholarship
The Panola-Tallahatchie Chapter maintains it's own chapter scholarship program. The scholarship application is given to all high school guidance counselors in Panola & Tallahatchie County by March 1 of each year.
Contact Thomas Toney, if you have questions.